Thursday, June 2, 2011


Watch out for PsyBites! Because it bites!

p.s.: For more information, please check out Berjaya UCH notice board.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Mental Health Awareness Campaign

May is Mental Health Awareness Month

Mental Health America has been celebrating "May is Mental Health Month" since year 1949.

This year, Student Counseling Services Unit at Berjaya UCH would like join the celebration of mental health month to raise awareness of mental wellness among our students.

Take a stress test or a depression screener at Live Well! website, (main theme of Mental Health Awareness Month 2011)

Look around the campus for more exciting activities, educational posters, free brochures this month.

What's happening in our Mental Health Awareness Campaign

Week 1: Promoting Mental Health Awareness Month
(Yes, posters are everywhere in our campus now).

Week 2: All about adjustment
(As we grow, and we need to adjust to our surroundings accordingly.
Learn how to adjust yourself in a healthy and positive way.)

Week 3: Depression
(What is depression? Is "emo-ing" depression? Is it right to feel sad sometimes?)

Week 4: Coping with Stress
(Stress, stress, stress. Learn how to cope with your stress.)
**Workshop available, learn how to cope with your stress and have a hands-on experience of relaxation technique with our in-house counseling psychologist. Registration required. **

Week 5: Counseling Awareness Week (till June)

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Relationship Talk

Click for more information (bigger resolution).

P.s.: Due to time constraint for this short semester, the next talk would be held on 2nd of March, focusing on handling study stress.

Sunday, January 9, 2011


Happy new year!

Welcome back! :) The campus had been quiet for a while without you. Yes, we worked throughout your holiday. Some of the staff also had a short break as well. Anyway, it is good to have you back to the campus.

This is the beginning of a new year, as year 2010 passed by, the first week of year 2011 passed by too. The new students had their orientation week in the first week of year 2011. Have you ever wonder why year 2010 passed by so quickly and what had you done in year 2010? Gasp!

Did you take some time to reflect on year 2010?

To kick-start the new year with more exciting activities, Student Counseling Services planned a series of workshops and talks to help you grow (inner growth, we mean, sorry that we really can't do much about the physical part~)

In January: Small Groups (Group Therapy)

1) Reflection of Life, Planning a New Beginning
(suitable for anybody who wishes to have a new start and aims to have a more purposeful life).

2) Self-Discovery
(Learning more about yourself in a fun way).

In January: Talk

Love, from the Psychological Perspective
(Back by popular demand, learn more about love).

In February: Talk

Relationship: Why do People Breakup and
How to Maintain a Good Relationship

(Love talk. Part II. Learn more about maintaining a good relationship.
It is not about Boy-Girl Relationship only.)

In February: Workshop

Mentors (Peer Counselors) Training: Level II
(For those who have attended basic mentoring training)

In March: Talk

Coping with Stress
Learn how to manage your stress better.

In March: Workshop

Mentors (Peer Counselors) Training Level I
We are looking for more students who are willing to help others by lending others their listening ears. Equip yourself with basic counseling skills training and learn how to help others effectively.

If you are interested, please contact Ms. Coral.
Email: or

For more information, please contact your counselor at Department of Student Services.