Sunday, July 25, 2010


Hey, guys.

How's your study and preparation for exam? Hope everyone of you is doing well. Strive for the best for your exam. It will pay off someday.

It may not be the first time you sit for an exam (the first time maybe was in kindergarten, right?). Yet, some of us still feel very nervous before going into exam hall and sit for our exam. You may still feel your heart pounding faster, dizzy, or stomach cramp. Underlying all these symptoms, it is stress.

Stress, is not necessary bad. Each one of us need some trials and positive stresses to help us grow, motivate us to do better. Imagine a life without stress... Everything would be peaceful, everything would not worry you anymore; you don't have to worry about your stress anymore. After a while, life would be absolutely boring.

One way to combat stress is to learn how to cope with it. There are so many alternatives which you can search for, by using Google. However, I always think the most important part is our attitude. Think positively, have faith in yourself, and take it as a challenge. If you need help, seek help from your family members, friends, and even from Dept. of Student Services :) why not?

We are all created in a way which we need to work and rest in our lives. To achieve the optimum level of happiness, we need to work diligently and rest well. (e.g. an example of resting more than enough is to sleep for 12 hours a day and feel dizzy and sick after you wake up.)

I know preparing for an exam is tough (I've been there too ^^, it'll be over after 1-2 week(s)
Yet, don't forget to: Eat Well, Sleep Well, Worry Less, and Try Your Best.

Last but not least,
A fun thing I suggest you to do~*
Check your stress level HERE: Cohen's Stress Scale

With Big Hug,
your college counselor

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Counseling Services are available full time now.

Hi, guys.

Counseling services are available again. It means, we could start to discuss about your career profile, conduct some counseling sessions together. For those who missed something last semester or new students, e.g. mentor-mentee training workshop, we will conduct the training again this semester. (p.s. New mentors needed. For those who are interested, please come and look for me), then you may use this badge in your blog/website/FB after the training session:

Special badge for mentors.

This also means that from now on, you could book your appointment online or drop me an e-mail, or look for me in Department of Student Services. Student Counseling Unit will to conduct some exciting talks this semester: combating study stress, personality, psychological talks, etc (we may also try to re-conduct the 'Love: from the psychological perspective' talk again for the juniors, as your seniors loved it and recommend to conduct it again, and they're looking forward for the part 2.) You could suggest some interesting topics as well. :)

If you feel that you need someone to talk to,
a listening ear is always there for you,
preparing to hear what is going on in your life,
what you heart may have been trying to tell you.
We will walk the journey together,
a nourishing journey of personal growth.

Sessions will be conducted by well-trained and equipped professional counselor.
(Private and confidential)

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Notice: About your career profile

Hi, guys.

Thanks for spending your time to complete the career profile in your orientation!

If you're interested to come for a career counseling session, and also to find out more about your career profile,

Please e-mail me :

p.s. for seniors who haven't come for their career counseling yet, you could also drop me an e-mail. Thanks.

Monday, March 1, 2010

The Counseling Rooms

We have a proper individual counseling room and a group counseling room. Comfortable and therapeutic setting. For more information about counseling, please refer to this link.


Life. Puzzle-like?

Sometimes, it seems like there is a lot of uncertainties in life. It is as if you were holding a piece of puzzle, and you could not find the other pieces of puzzles. How would the big picture look like?

Sometimes, you may feel the surroundings around you seems not so helpful or supportive for you to see the whole picture. It is as if life leaves you no choice.

Sometimes, your intuition or feelings may tell you what is right. If it was not the right choice, you may feel discomfort after making a decision. The truth is, you'll always have a choice. It may be a choice of staying or leaving, it may be a choice of complete it or starting it all over, it may be a choice of solving a problem or avoiding it.

Are you on the right path?

However, a good choice should be aligned with your core values and philosophies of life. Imagine if your car's alignment is tilted, would it lead you through a straight path?

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Announcement for Talk: Your Life Story

How are you going to write yours?

Dear all,

There's a talk on next Thursday (4th February), 5-6pm.
Title: Your Life Story: How to plan yours?
(Personal Development talk)
Venue: To be confirmed

What is life story?

Everyone has a life story. The story began when you were still a baby.

Your parents played important roles in helping to shape your life story when you were young.

When you get older, your siblings (brothers and sisters) and friends became more important to you. Directly / indirectly, your life may be affected by them.

Now, you're in college. You seem to have more controls over your life. What's next? How are you going to shape your life story?

Join the talk to explore more about yourself.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Welcome back. What's new?

Hey, guys!

Welcome back, guys. For all the new students, welcome to your first year in college.

For this new semester, I designed a new career profile to aid you in your career path.

Some of you may wonder why, since it's still early for you to think about what you will do after you graduate. After filling in your career profile, we will meet up for a short session (around 30 minutes) to explain to you about your strengths and your weaknesses, and how you could improve to achieve your career goals.

This will also help us to get some feedback from you, in order for us to offer the suitable workshops and seminars for your professional and personal development. It's F.O.C. (You could find some similar career tests on jobstreet and other websites, but they will charge you for the report and analysis.)

(2) Our Counseling Journey: Newsletter

Now, you can grab a copy of Our Counseling Journey Newsletter at the front desk or library.
Get a copy now.

(3) Group Therapy

Sign up for the group therapy for a psychological self-exploration. It's fun and exciting to share your thoughts and grow together in a safe environment.

First Group: Self-Exploration (starting from 3rd February, 2010)
4.00pm (every Tuesday) - Exploring more about yourself.

2nd Group: Love (starting from 10th February, 2010)
4.00pm (every Thursday) - Relationship? Something sweet, something bitter. It may be a relationship between 2 people, or a relationship with your friends or family. Prepare your mind and learn about how to communicate in a relationship.

-There will be more groups later. If you would like to join a group but the group's time is clashed with your class, please contact Coral to fix a time for your group.

(4) Mentor-Mentee Program

Dept. of Student Services will launch the mentor-mentee program in the campus. Seniors will guide the juniors, and seniors will be guided by our department.

Mentoring is a relationship. "Mentoring is to support and encourage people to manage their own learning in order that they may maximise their potential, develop their skills, improve their performance and become the person they want to be." Eric Parsloe, The Oxford School of Coaching & Mentoring.

Basically, mentors will become the 'big-bros' for the mentees. :) There will be a mentor training program coming up soon.