Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Something about counseling


No one could share your pain?

Feeling sad or depressed?

Losing / lost someone special?

Trying to find the meaning of life?

Perhaps you need somebody to talk to,
to give you some rays of hope,
some courage to go on...

We could work hand-in-hand together

It's time to balance your life...
It's time to put a real smile back on your face...

You are welcomed to drop by for a custom-made
individual counseling session
or guidance

Or maybe, you enjoy working in a group?

Brief Information about Counseling:

Individual Counseling: one to one personal counseling session, you would discuss your issues with the counselor in a comfortable and helping environment (private and confidential). The counseling sessions might provide you a chance for personal growth and overcoming your stress positively. Each session would be approximately 45 minutes to 1 hour.

Group Counseling: a process which 3-10 individuals meet weekly/ twice a week with a professional counselor to discuss specific issues (e.g. getting better grade, how to handle stress, knowing more about your personality, and other issues). Each session would be approximately to 1 hour or more.

Guidance and Consultation: You may walk-in to your counselor to ask for career and academic guidance / consultation. You may like to discover more about yourself and prepare yourself better for the challenging campus life and the outside world.

P.S. You can walk-in or e-mail to your counselor / Department of Student Services anytime to arrange an appointment with the counselor.